If you require any support, financial or otherwise, the following are available to you:
New Support Schemes (released 31 July 2023 and will be open until 8 September 2023)
NIWE Loan Guarantee Scheme enables commercial lenders to provide loans to highly affected businesses across all sectors with more favourable terms, such as reduced interest rates. For more information, contact your bank or usual lender, or read the Treasury website here - https://www.treasury.govt.nz/information-and-services/other-services/north-island-weather-events-loan-guarantee-scheme
NIWE Primary Producer Finance Scheme provides concessionary loans and equity finance to severely impacted, land-based primary sector businesses, such as farms and orchards. For more information,
see Kānoa’s Grow Regions website
Bank Support
ASB - https://www.asb.co.nz/page/flood-relief-support.html
ANZ - https://www.anz.co.nz/comms/severe-weather-events
BNZ - https://www.bnz.co.nz/contact/severe-weather-support
Kiwibank - https://www.kiwibank.co.nz/contact-us/support-hub/financial-relief/
Rabobank - https://www.rabobank.co.nz/media-releases/2023/230216-rabobank-support-for-cyclone-affected-farmers/
Westpac - https://www.westpac.co.nz/about-us/upper-north-island-flooding/
General Support
Beef & Lamb NZ - For farmers affected by flooding - https://beeflambnz.com/news-views/flood-support
Business.govt.nz (part of MBIE) - Information for Businesses - https://www.business.govt.nz/risks-and-operations/extreme-weather-information-for-business/
Civil Defence - What support is available and where can you get help. This NEMA factsheet provides information about the various support available to those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
East Coast Rural Support Trust - A charitable trust operating in the East Coast region. It is part of a nationwide network of Rural Support Trusts to help locals in tough times
- https://www.rural-support.org.nz/Regions/North-Island/East-Coast
- Mental Health Support for Rural People to heal and recover - https://www.rural-support.org.nz/Help-Support/Health-Wellbeing
Gisborne District Council
- Tairawhiti Mayoral Relief Fund -
ICNZ Insurance - Cyclone Gabrielle insurance recovery advice - https://www.icnz.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Consumer-guide-Cyclone-Gabrielle-insurance-recovery-advice-Feb-2023.pdf
Insurance - Fact Sheet - What you need to do to get your claim through quickly and efficiently
Disaster Line 0800 473 566. IRD are prioritising their support for affected customers
Ministry for Primary Industries - MPI Information and resources to help you deal with floods including a Cyclone Gabrielle update
- https://www.mpi.govt.nz/dmsdocument/55630-Cyclone-Gabrielle-farmer-and-grower-recovery-grants
- https://www.rural-support.org.nz/Help-Support/Financial-Pressure - Qualifying farmers can seek up to $6,000 to seek independent financial or business advice.
Ministry of Social Development
- Information about the Community Support Package for people impacted by North Island floods and Cyclone Gabrielle
- What do you need help with (Factsheet) - https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/eligibility/emergencies/cyclone-gabrielle.html
- Accommodation Supplement Assessment - This is income and asset tested - https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/eligibility/emergencies/cyclone-gabrielle.html
- Civil Defence Payment - https://workandincome.govt.nz/products/a-z-benefits/civil-defence-payment.html
- Effluent Treatment System Maintenance and Repair - this is income and asset tested. The cost of repair and maintenance of on-site effluent treatment system such as septic tank/long drop/compost based toilets - maintenance includes the cleaning
and/or emptying of septic tanks - https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/products/a-z-benefits/special-needs-grant.html
- Employers whose workers have been unable to work due to Cyclone Gabrielle (Spreadsheet) - Click here for a spreadsheet to send to MSD for support for your employees
- Essential Repairs and Maintenance - This is income tested - https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/eligibility/urgent-costs/house-maintenance.html
- Financial Support for Cyclone Gabrielle - https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/documents/eligibility/emergencies/financial-support-for-cyclone-gabrielle-factsheet.pdf
N Z Claims Resolution Service - Helps homeowners with residential insurance claims resulting from natural disasters - https://www.nzcrs.govt.nz/how-we-work/who-can-access-the-nzcrs/
N Z Government - Information on an initial recovery mobilisation fund to help farmers and growers hit by Cyclone Gabrielle from 15 February 2023
OSPRI - Support for farmers affected by flooding in Tairawhiti Gisborne.- https://www.ospri.co.nz/news/support-for-farmers-affected-by-heavy-rain-and-flooding-in-the-north-island/
Tairawhiti Civil Defence - Emergency management information for the Tairawhiti district - https://www.gdc.govt.nz/services/civil-defence
Trust Tairawhiti - Tairawhiti businesses can now apply for a business support grant of up to $40,000 to support their recovery from Cyclone Gabrielle - https://trusttairawhiti.nz/cyclone-gabrielle/
Waka Kotahi - NZ Transport Agency - Roading status update - https://www.journeys.nzta.govt.nz/traffic/
Client in the Spotlight
In April 2023,
Carlos and Anna Frota eagerly assumed ownership of Wilcom, renaming the company
FrotaNet Limited
while retaining the familiar trading name Wilcom.
Meet our team
From the deep South, Derily started with Graham & Dobson as an auditor in 2021.
Parihohonu Station has been involved with Graham & Dobson since the early 1900s.
Graham & Dobson have proved to be of great value, producing a high standard of quality work, are trustworthy, astute, and approachable any time at all. The staff are very friendly and will bend over backwards for us. We always recommend this long established firm unequivocally.
We are grateful for the enormous amount of support the staff of Graham & Dobson provide. They have demonstrated a high level of understanding, knowledge and financial direction and deliver a consistent service in structured, efficient timeframes. This is a company with high integrity and strong values focusing on providing the utmost levels of customer satisfaction.
Graham & Dobson helped me start my own business in 2007. Without their help and support the process would have been a lot harder. They offer excellent on-going support and advice.
Image credits to Tourism Eastland, Sandy Jones and Rebecca Williams